What Will I Learn in Crane Operator Classes Near Me?
Practical Experience
One of the things we’re proudest of at West Coast Training is the fact that our classes are not simply academic. Knowing the ins and outs of regulations and guidelines is important, without a doubt, but that’s not all a successful crane operator needs. That’s why we offer extensive opportunities to get hands-on experience as part of your education. You don’t want your first day on the job to also be your first day in a crane! With our crane operator classes, you’ll be able to work out the kinks and get comfortable with the equipment before setting out on your own.
Half of your time with us will be dedicated to training in the field, performing tasks like designed lifts, setting up cranes, and practicing smooth operating techniques, tandem lifts, blind lifts, tower erections, boom assembly, rigging, and signaling. You’ll also have the opportunity to train with multiple types of cranes. This includes rigging loads with hook-block and overhaul ball, and using the concrete bucket, clam-shell, or drag-line attachments.
While we offer a variety of certifications and classes, you’re also welcome to specialize your training on one crane in particular. Of course, training on more cranes can make you a more valuable asset in the eyes of future employers.
All of your field training will be overseen by NCCCO (National Commission for the Certification of Crane Operators) certified instructors, there to provide any advice or guidance that you might need. Your instructors will also ensure you follow all safety procedures, including equipment inspections. Our crane operator classes are designed to emulate the working conditions that you will face in the real world, giving you an easy transition from your training into the workforce.
Classroom Education
In addition to the practical training, our crane operator classes also offer a comprehensive education on the most current standards and regulations in the field. Being a crane operator is no laughing matter, and it will be your responsibility to ensure that everything in your domain is up to snuff. It’s no surprise that in a field with huge pieces of heavy machinery, workplace safety is a top priority. In our classrooms, you’ll learn the hard facts that you need to know in order to be a safe and effective crane operator.
While half of your time with us will be dedicated to getting practical field experience, the other half will be dedicated to giving you a firm foundational knowledge. In these classes, we will cover ASME standards and OSHA regulations for crane operators. We’ll also go over the proper setup of cranes, wire rope reeving, crane safety, load charts, and proper operating methods. This information is extremely important.
In addition to classroom time, you can expect daily assigned reading and homework to help you retain everything. It may be a lot of information to cover, but what you learn in class might just help you prevent an injury, or worse, in the future.
NCCCO Testing and Certification
NCCCO certification is vital to any successful crane operator’s career. Without it, employers can’t guarantee their operators are educated and tested on the most current safety standards. At West Coast Training, we’re proud to hold the distinction of an approved NCCCO testing facility. Since we work so closely with the NCCCO, our crane operator classes are tailored to prepare our students for testing and becoming skilled operators.
During your weeks with us, we’ll give you the tools you need to earn your certification with confidence! All of the experience you gain will come up during your testing, and you’ll even use the same machinery you were trained on for the practical portion. Our programs are geared toward getting you certified, with the last week of the course being set aside to actually take the test, the cost of which is covered in the program.
If you put in the full effort and learn everything you can, you can walk away with nine different NCCCO certifications! Think of all the opportunities those kinds of credentials might open up. And once you’re certified, there’s no reason to stop learning. We offer continuing education programs for experienced crane operators in order to earn additional NCCCO certifications. These seminars can give you an edge for advancing your career, helping you set yourself apart from the competition, and establishing yourself as a highly valuable, highly skilled crane operator. This is your career, after all! There’s no reason you shouldn’t be the best you can be.
So the next time you find yourself thinking, “What can I really learn from crane operator classes near me?” we hope you think of all the opportunities that await you. Our trained and experienced staff can offer you the education you didn’t know you needed, right out your front door. All you need is a few weeks, and you’ll be setting yourself up for success, not just for today, but for far down the road too. So don’t just wait for your future to come to you; take a look at our classes or contact us today! today! You’ll be glad you did.