Prepare for Crane School
Whether you’ve worked in construction for years or are new to the field, furthering your skills by attending a crane school is one of the best decisions you can make for your future. Especially during difficult economic times, it’s always in your best interests to diversify your skill set, and learning to operate cranes and other heavy equipment can help get your foot in the door in a competitive, but highly rewarding, industry.
Of course, before you can begin your training, there are certain preparations you will need to make. Below, we’ll outline a few of the steps you can take to ensure that your crane operator training goes as smoothly as possible.
First, Make Sure That Crane School Is Right for You
Before you commit to spending time and money attending crane school, you will need to decide if it’s truly right for you. As you might expect, getting behind the controls of a crane can be a huge undertaking. You’ll be operating powerful machinery on a high-risk jobsite. Attention to detail is a must, as is a commitment to safety every single day. You won’t just be operating machinery either. At crane school, you’ll learn how to secure a jobsite to ensure safety, how to read load charts, and how to communicate with other crane operators to coordinate jobs.
All of this can sound a bit overwhelming, but the good news is that the right crane operator school can do a lot to make the job less intimidating. You’ll have to arrive with a strong work ethic and a willingness to challenge yourself when necessary, but assuming you can do that, there’s no reason that you won’t be able to succeed, provided your training is good.
Still not sure if crane school is right for you? Give this heavy equipment operator readiness quiz a try.
Check That You Meet All the NCCCO Requirements
Successful completion of crane school will equip you with a certification from the NCCCO—the National Commission for the Certification of Crane Operators—and it’s this certification that you’ll use to secure jobs in the future. Before you can get certified, however, you’ll need to ensure that you meet all the NCCCO requirements.
First, you must be at least 18 years of age. If you’re younger, you can certainly still begin your preparation for crane operator school, but you’ll need to wait for your 18th birthday before you can be issued the actual certificate. You will also need to conform to the NCCCO’s Substance Abuse Policy and Code of Ethics.
Know Where Your Testing Site Is
The NCCCO has hundreds of testing sites across the country, so it’s likely that no matter where you are located, you can easily find a place to take your test. Finding the right school will make this easier because, in many cases, you can take the test on-site or, at the very least, secure their assistance in finding a place to test.
A good school will also help you to find a job after you’ve earned your certification. For example, West Coast Training will do more than just teach you how to operate a crane. They’ll help you craft a resume and put you in contact with prospective employers in your area.