4 Study Tips to Help You Pass the NCCCO Exam
No matter how long you’ve been out of school, taking a test can be intimidating. At West Coast Training, we’re no strangers to the feeling. After all, it’s our job to help you be as prepared as possible for your NCCCO exam. With our courses and hands-on training, we hope to help mitigate that inevitable test stress.
The secret to acing any kind of exam is not just to study, but to study smart. Here are some study tips that will help you pass your NCCCO exam with flying colors.
1. Review Your Notes from Class
Review is an integral part of learning anything. By going back over the information you learned previously, you can help cement it into your long-term memory. Before you attend each day of class, take some time to go through what you’ve written down from your previous lesson. This will help you make a more cohesive picture out of everything you learn, instead of just trying to dedicate it all to memory the day you learn it.
And this might go without saying, but take good notes! Not only will they become helpful reference material for the future, but writing things down is proven to help the brain retain information.
2. Keep the Reference Materials On Hand
While our classes are designed to prepare you for an NCCCO exam, as well as a long career in the industry, you won’t be in class 24/7. That’s why it’s important for you to have your own source of information for reference outside of class hours. Your notes will play a big role here, but additional reference materials are also available from the NCCCO site should you need them. We live in an era where information is more readily available than ever before, so be sure you take advantage of it.
3. Get Together with a Friend and Quiz Each Other
Studying on your own can be at best boring and at worst ineffective. That’s why we recommend that in addition to reviewing information on your own, you should study with another person. Not only will this break up the monotony, but the social interaction helps your brain better retain the information you go over. So whether it’s someone else from class or someone else at home, don’t go into studying alone.
4.Mock-Up an Exam and Write Out the Answers
We hope that our classes help ease some of that stress from your NCCCO exam, but not everyone is a born test-taker. If you find you suffer from test anxiety, we recommend you dip your toe in the pool at home with your own personal exam. Go through the information you’ve learned and assemble a quiz for yourself to take. This will help you find what information you’ve got down and what information you still need to work on, as well as prepare you for what the test may be like. Once you ace a test at home, you might find your real NCCCO exam a bit less frightening.
If you still find yourself stuck in test prep but aren’t sure where to go next, never hesitate to reach out. Whether it’s a specific piece of information or just more advice on preparing, we’re here to be a resource to you.