3 Facts About Mobile Crane Safety

At last report, the Bureau of Labor Statistics estimated that there are nearly 46,000 mobile crane operators in the US (out of 11.2 million construction workers), and they project that this particular job will see growth upward of 8 percent (2014–2024). What this translates to is a substantial need for individuals to get mobile crane training as soon as possible. West Coat Training can get you started.
Mobile crane safety is regulated and inspected by OSHA, and they have very specific rules with which every owner and operator must be in compliance, and when you start to look at some of the facts, it’s easy to see why training, inspection, and regulation are so important.
1. Most Accidents Are Caused by Human Error
First fact, it’s a common understanding that approximately 90 percent of all mobile crane accidents and fatalities are caused by human error. The most frequent type of fatality is caused by electrocution. This is followed by crane collapse or getting struck by the boom or jib. The last example we’ll use is an overturn.
Of course, there are more examples, but the takeaway here is that mobile crane training will give the operator the best preparation for real-time situations. The operator is expected to know how to use the particular crane, how to inspect the equipment, how to assess the terrain, and how to check for aerial hazards, boom swing clearances, and load capacities.
2. Crane Operators Must Be Certified
Second fact, OSHA has implemented regulations that every operator must be qualified and certified for each type of mobile crane according to the manufacturer’s operating procedures, including any attachments that might be used. There are 12 kinds of mobile cranes, each with its own load specifications, safety features, and operating procedures.
Not only are operators expected to be certified, but OSHA also requires all riggers, inspectors, and anyone building or removing parts to be certified as well. Realistically, the more workers who have mobile crane training, the safer the entire jobsite will be.
3. Accidents Are Expensive
Final fact, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, a single time-lost accident can cost in the range of $27,000 to $40,000, and punitive damages can range from $100,000 to over a million dollars. Add to that the likelihood of an OSHA fine, which could be in the same range as punitive damages, and the owner is looking at a very costly situation. And that’s essentially the surface cost. Most owners can also expect to see insurance rate increases and may have expensive equipment repair or replacement.
When you consider hazards versus training and the potential costs associated with an accident, mobile crane training gives everyone involved a sharper edge and better chances at preventing catastrophe. Check our admissions process, and contact us today.